Ducati Caffe': a classy spot for a break in Rome's center

Glitzy and commercial is not usually our thing, but we have a spot in our hearts for Ducati Caffe' just off Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome's center. 

There's something about that motorcycle on the wall, the red and black high-tech decor, AND the occasional live music that appeals to us.  The food looks good (tho' we haven't tried it). 

Ducati Caffe' is open all day, beginning with breakfast (Italian style) at 8 a.m.  The website is mostly in Italian, but enough is in English that you can figure out what's happening and if you want to try it. 

Ducati Caffe' is a classy spot to take a well-deserved break from Rome's hectic streets.

Title: Ducati Caffe': a classy spot for a break in Rome's center
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
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